
oops I did it again

on sunday I finished my second marathon. while I wasn’t faster than my first race in 2020, I had a much better experience & a lot more fun so I’m counting that as win! plus, I completed the “conquer la” challenge which consists of finishing the santa monica 10k, the rose bowl half marathon, & the la marathon in the same season & gets you an additional medal at the final finish line.

more pictures & a run recap on my running instagram.

nap queen to marathon finisher

on sunday I finished the LA marathon. if you’d have asked me, even a single year ago, if I was the kind of person who did things like running 26.2 miles willingly, I would have laughed in your face.

I initially started running in spring of 2019 because I thought it would be a “cheap” fitness hobby. I began running one single mile at a time & it was exhausting. after a few months I worked my way up to 2 miles.

then in june I ran my first ever 5k. those 3.1 miles were the longest I had ever run in my entire life. when I finished I thought, as a joke: ok, but what if I did a marathon?

so I found a beginner marathon training plan online & started running. it was something of a pipe dream, but it gave me something to do, a goal to work towards. I think I probably still thought I wouldn’t actually do the thing.

well, this past sunday I did the thing.

I was a lot slower than I wanted to be, a full hour above my goal time. there was a moment at mile 18 where I really thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish. but I pulled myself together & I finished that race.

now I’m planning my next one. pasadena half marathon, here I come!

doin' it for the kittens!

the only thing in this world that could entice me to this much cardiovascular activity is cats, so this spring I’m running the los angeles marathon to raise money for kitten rescue!

you can help me reach my goal of raising $700 for this amazing organization by donating on my fundraising page. do it for the kittens!