
over the past several years I have been developing this poetic theory which I call "experiential poetics". the basic concept is a desire to shift poetry from a form of strictly language to one of sound & experience (in place of or additional to language). a component of this is my own experience with synesthesia, which is a neurological condition where information meant to stimulate one sense (smell for example) stimulates several senses instead. there are many forms of synesthesia, but I most frequently smell & taste colour, hear shapes, & smell & hear feelings. recently I've been thinking about how to create poems of experiences or sensations I've had in the world without "explaining" those experiences in text, & this series of video synesthesia poems is the result.

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over the past several years I have been developing this poetic theory which I call "experiential poetics". the basic concept is a desire to shift poetry from a form of strictly language to one of sound & experience (in place of or additional to language). a component of this is my own experience with synesthesia, which is a neurological condition where information meant to stimulate one sense (smell for example) stimulates several senses instead. there are many forms of synesthesia, but I most frequently smell & taste colour, hear shapes, & smell & hear feelings. recently I've been thinking about how to create poems of experiences or sensations I've had in the world without "explaining" those experiences in text, & this series of video synesthesia poems is the result.

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over the past several years I have been developing this poetic theory which I call "experiential poetics". the basic concept is a desire to shift poetry from a form of strictly language to one of sound & experience (in place of or additional to language). a component of this is my own experience with synesthesia, which is a neurological condition where information meant to stimulate one sense (smell for example) stimulates several senses instead. there are many forms of synesthesia, but I most frequently smell & taste colour, hear shapes, & smell & hear feelings. recently I've been thinking about how to create poems of experiences or sensations I've had in the world without "explaining" those experiences in text, & this series of video synesthesia poems is the result.

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a short experimental poem film featuring a piece from day 354 of my poem-a-day project, written while exploring death valley. badlands was an impromptu shoot in badwater basin, california, the lowest point in north america.

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Poem-A-Day #156 — Monument to Nothing

an erasure of the tew colossus by emma lazarus, most famously known as the poem at the foot of the statue of liberty. I wanted to try making a video to really showcase the erasure process after seeing some amazing concrete poetry in video form at the getty research institute a couple of weeks ago.

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Poem-A-Day #216 — Mothers

wrote this while watching the lady gaga documentary & thinking about a fight I got into on facebook. thinking about the things we tell women to do & expect them to be from birth until death. thinking about how it is other women who most often police us. who shame us. who tell us to "be careful". who remind us to always be afraid.

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Poem-A-Day #160 — Lost Angeles

daydreaming in los angeles. dreaming of future times when things aren’t so much work. a video poem exploration.

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