nap queen to marathon finisher

on sunday I finished the LA marathon. if you’d have asked me, even a single year ago, if I was the kind of person who did things like running 26.2 miles willingly, I would have laughed in your face.

I initially started running in spring of 2019 because I thought it would be a “cheap” fitness hobby. I began running one single mile at a time & it was exhausting. after a few months I worked my way up to 2 miles.

then in june I ran my first ever 5k. those 3.1 miles were the longest I had ever run in my entire life. when I finished I thought, as a joke: ok, but what if I did a marathon?

so I found a beginner marathon training plan online & started running. it was something of a pipe dream, but it gave me something to do, a goal to work towards. I think I probably still thought I wouldn’t actually do the thing.

well, this past sunday I did the thing.

I was a lot slower than I wanted to be, a full hour above my goal time. there was a moment at mile 18 where I really thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish. but I pulled myself together & I finished that race.

now I’m planning my next one. pasadena half marathon, here I come!