vintage cameras

hollywood details

my streak of buying old digital cameras continues...

spent an hour walking around hollywood testing out the latest digicam I’ve added to my collection, the nikon coolpix p7000 which was originally released in 2010. so far I’m finding this little thing pretty fun & I’m excited to experiment more with the build in ND filter & the full manual controls.

time machine: prospect park

while working on my 2023 project of redoing my apartment I found an old polaroid t1234 compact point & shoot digital camera that I think I would have gotten sometime shortly after highschool (2010ish?). I’m currently trying to repair it, but with it I found a 4gb memory card that still had some photos on it! I believe I took these photos in prospect park brooklyn, potentially for a college class project.

much better quality pictures than I remember. hoping I can get it working again!

cool pix

a short walk around hollywood with a 20+ year old digital camera.

exploring with my new-to-me nikon coolpix 990. the swivel style 900 series cameras were released by nikon starting in 1998, with the 990 hitting the market in 2000 as the last of the models to be powered by four regular double a batteries. these cameras were pretty advanced for their time & still return decent pictures with their 3.34 megapixels & compact flash memory card. fun fact: the formatting for these camera’s cards can’t be read by mac computers. I had to do some finagling to get me images from camera to web!