of course I didn’t forget my 2024 birthday pictures! this year was inspired by bert stern’s iconic photos of marilyn monroe & shot on my ricoh cx3 digicam.
self portrait
lady godiva
maria sanctus
2021 birthday portraits - mary magdalene.
happy birthday to me!
cowboy days
early morning desert selfies, channeling wild west vibes.
slow fashion
during the stay at home period here in la I’ve gotten more & more interested in slow fashion. the other day I decided to do a mini photoshoot with a couple of pieces from two of my fave brands. slow fashion revolves around ethical production practices & supply lines, with products that are meant to be kept, & worn, & loved for years. growing up in poverty I have a lot to unpack around the scarcity mindset which makes “quality over quantity” difficult for me, but these pieces & the handful of others I’ve added to my closet are helping me start.
tank from arq.
breeches from state the label.
alphabet soup
complete sentence, 2020
w i t c h, 2020
spent some time recently playing with a small LED light & my 35mm prime lens. I’ve had this lens for about a year, but haven’t had much chance to shoot with it. I’ve seen many cool images on instagram featuring this alphabet sequin/confetti look & thought I’d try out my own take. one thing I’ll say for sure: adding more intentional lighting makes a HUGE difference in the look & quality of the final image! this is something that all the photo blogs & youtubers say all the time, but it’s remarkable to see it in action. can’t wait to play more with lights!
check out more images from this series on my instagram or in the self-portraits gallery.
adventures in wandering
sometimes a person just needs to venture around their neighbourhood visiting all the blooming flowers & cracks in the pavement. wandering is good for the soul.
us witches
holiday card portrait, 2019
happy winter solstice from us witches.
what's a gorgon anyway?
medusa the gorgon, fated to turn men all men who looked upon her to stone… but was it a curse? or a blessing?
medusa was one of three gorgons, daughters born to phorcys & ceto. the only mortal among her immortal sisters—sthenno & euryale—medusa was either born with her infamous serpent hair; or according to ovid, was later cursed by athena with an appearance so hideous she turned all who looked at her into stone as punishment for the crime of daring to be raped by poseidon in athena’s temple.
beheaded by perseus while she slept (the only way the supposed hero could manage to defeat her). upon her death her children, pegasus & chrysaor, sprang from her bloodied neck. perseus avoided the vengeance of medusa’s sisters by wearing the helmet of darkness, gifted to him by hades, which granted him invisibility. those ancient rapists gotta stick together right?
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iphone collage, june 2019
what does it mean to be a shape?
to have a form?
to live in the physical world?
is one shape enough?
california dreaming
keeping secrets
I’m the part of the canvas
that’s been painted over—
another image hidden behind.
someone asks:
what would it take to reveal yourself?
& I answer with laughter
like a threaded strand of lies.
two faces
untitled (ghosts) self portrait series, 2019.
I’m skin
& bone
& maybe
I wanted to be born.
I wanted to be a ghost?
is slow like
weeds pushing
up through
but sometimes—
I wear my skin
as a costume.
red self portrait (2018) + text from ‘lady lazarus’ by sylvia plath.