
november books

only one book this month.

the mindful photographer - sophie howarth


october books

only two books this month.

my private property - mary ruefle

how art can make you happy - bridget watson payne

august books

brute - emily skaja

thrown rope - peter hutchinson

copy - dolores dorantes (trans. robin myers)

june books

may books

the little book of string theory - steven s gubser

seven brief lessons on physics - carlo rovelli

the tradition - jericho brown

April books

indelicacy - amina cain

borderland apocrypha - anthony cody

only managed to finish two books in april, as I’m currently reading a 600 page tome. that aside I did watch a few very fascinating documentaries this month, so I thought I’d include those as well.

grace jones: bloodlight & bambi

jonestown: terror in the jungle

the way down

march books

voyage of the sable venus - robin coste lewis

sanctuary - zenju earthlyn manuel

secrets from the center of the world - joy harjo & stephen strom

the viscount who loved me - julia quinn

february books

slouching toward bethlehem- joan didion

the sunflower cast a spell to save us from the void - jackie wang

blue territory - robin lippincott

arbitrary stupid goal - tamara shopsin

death valley national park: a history - hal k. rothman & char miller

january books

one of my resolutions for 2022 (& one of my resolutions pretty much every year) is to read more. to that end I decided to start making a monthly list of books I read, starting with this month & some poetry.

urban tumbleweed - harryette mullen

whereas - layli long soldier

poetry as insurgent art - lawrence ferlinghetti

play it as it lays - joan didion

goldenrod - maggie smith

c.c. - tyrone williams

north of normal - cea sunrise person

a reading list

I realise there are so many different reading lists circling around the internet. but since I firmly believe in the power of books & the power of the people to educate themselves when they are determined to expend the effort to do so, I thought I would share a list of some books that have been useful for me.

I recommend buying your books from a small, black-owned bookstore. my choice is eso won books here in LA. their website:


stamped from the beginning by ibram x. kendi
so you want to talk about race by ijeoma oluo
why I’m no longer talking to white people about race by reni eddo-lodge
how to be an antiracist by ibram x. kendi

magical negro by morgan parker
homie by danez smith
open city by teju cole
they can’t kill us until they kill us hanif abdurraqib
there are more beautiful things than beyonce by morgan parker
homie by danez smith
beloved by toni morrison
sula by toni morrison
ain’t I a woman by bell hooks
citizen by claudia rankine

I also recommend some investigation into buddhist philosophy to work on getting comfortable with uncomfortableness. I start with the following:
fear by thich nhat hanh
comfortable with uncertainty by pema chodorn.

I hope this list is a useful beginning for people seeking to educate themselves.